Ontology Profile

The Ontology Profile tab is only visible if the selected resource is an owl:Ontology. Use the "Home" button in the main tool bar to switch to the owl:Ontology if needed.

The Profile tab can be used to select libraries of SPIN inferencing rules and constraint checks for the current model. One of those libraries is TopQuadrant's SPIN-based OWL 2 RL implementation. The formal effect of activating a library is that the currently selected owl:Ontology will point to that library using the property spin:imports. This information is used by the TopSPIN inference engine, and by the SPIN constraint checking engine to dynamically add SPIN definitions to the model. This is similar to using owl:imports to bring the libraries in. However, in contrast to owl:imports, the property spin:imports does not load the imports at edit time, and thus does not lead to overly complex models.