SPIN is an RDF-based family of languages that employs SPARQL to represent constraints, rules and reusable queries. TopBraid Composer provides comprehensive support for SPIN, including an inference engine, editors and parsers.
You can find more information on the SPIN languages online at http://spinrdf.org and its TopBraid-specific companion page on SPIN support in TopBraid Composer. The following help pages focus on how to use SPIN inside the TopBraid user interface but does not elaborate on the basic principles of SPIN or modeling strategy.
In order to use any SPIN feature, your RDF model must import the
SPIN namespace(s). If you have downloaded TBC with an installer, you
will see spin.ttl
under your SPIN ontologies folder in
the TopBraid project.
Use the Imports View to add the SPIN namespace to
your existing RDF model. If you start with a new file, you
can use File > New RDF/SPIN File... which will take care of
the imports for you.
In addition, the kennedysSPIN.ttl model, delivered with TopBraid Composer installations (Project Explorer > TopBraid > Examples), defines examples of SPIN rules, constraints, functions, and templates. Many of the examples in the Help files use this model.